In every great story lies the power to move hearts, inspire minds, and change lives.
<span class="vcard">Sylvia Gillespie</span>
Sylvia Gillespie

Hello World, Again

No. I’m not dead or forgetful of my writing dream. I was promoted to supervisor at work and then the kids returned to school giving me zero time to follow my dreams.

After a lot of hard work by my partner Azazel, Timber Layne was released and given a meh by my sister who had issues with my spelling and storytelling. She wasn’t wrong, I mean, ‘halping’, what kind of word is that?! Don’t be your own editor. If you can afford it, get someone else. I know what my books are supposed to say so I read over glaring issues sometimes. As soon as I make money, I promise to fix that. But hey, my daughter read it and loved it. I have my first fan!!! Whoot!! Perhaps it belongs better with teens than adults? I don’t know. My daughter is an excellent artist for her age, so I asked her to draw a picture of how she sees T and Astra in her mind to see if they line up. I hope she agrees. Once a story is out in the world, it isn’t mine anymore (see book 3 for details on this theory) and I’d like to see what it becomes. I do have two other books planned in this series after all.

As far as my witches are concerned, Aeron is a person I’ve been writing about for over ten years. I have been nit-picking it since my last post, so afraid to do them a disservice by stupid spelling that progression has been limited.  It doesn’t help that Google says a good length for a new author is 80,000-ish words, and Aeron was way longer than that. Cutting his story into three books would have made more sense but 50,000 is considered the minimum and it certainly wouldn’t have made it into that category split in three. So here we are. One huge book to tell it all, two average-length books, or three short ones that make a lot of sense. If anyone has an opinion, I’d really like to hear it. I don’t know what I’m doing and would love feedback.

Sneak peak:

In other matters, I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression in the past, but the prescriptions were doing me no good. I finally got the courage to go to a psychologist, and he said it’s ADHD untreated that has caused all my other mental health issues. Now I must find a therapist to go with it. Mental health is dumb. Actually. Any pain people can’t see is dumb. If I had a compound fracture with bones poking out, people would be understanding, but when it’s chronic pain and they can’t see the damage, they get annoyed with the constant neediness and start giving bland advice. “Well, if you had a budget, you wouldn’t have to worry about money all the time.” No. I have a budget I can’t meet and that’s why I’m worried all the time. “Just get a better job if you need more money!” Great, been trying for three years with a bachelor’s that means nothing. Yay!

I already lost you in my drama, didn’t I? Ah well, I’m used to that.

I think I was meant to be a house elf. Enormous possibility, but hiding in dirty clothes, trying not to be seen by all those I care for. For the record, I don’t support J.K. Rowling in anything she says outside her books, but I relate to the kid in the cupboard and house elves.

Rainbows for the win!

I’m going to sleep now. I wish you all the best of days.